Sparring Gloves Special Standard Cuffs (New Design of cuffs and wrist protection)
Spare thumbs protectors
<span class="woocs_price_code" data-currency="" data-redraw-id="678ed9e4355eb" data-product-id="14316"><span class="woocommerce-Price-amount amount"><bdi>35.22 <span class="woocommerce-Price-currencySymbol">€</span></bdi></span></span>
In Stock
211.33 €
Size ChartDescription
Weight of one pair of Sparring Gloves Special with standard cuffs – 745 g
Styrogum hardened and compacted. Thickness:
8mm hands and thumbs guard
6mm cuffs
PE-HD polyethylene. Impact strength: kJ/m²,DIN EN ISO 179
Cordura ®
Inner impact protection: Poron XRD-15197-35
40mm polypropylene carrying tape
Underneath gloves are made of double layer of Kevlar ® levels of resistance 1 2 4 X in accordance with EN420 and EN388 standards